Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blog # 3 What Color To Wear
What color to wear? The color Green is probably one of the most important color now. Some people use the color Green to describe recycled material or for eco friendly products. The fashion industry is taken great notice to this world wide situation and is doing the best it can to be more eco friendly with their fashion. Green fabrics are being used more for their garments. http://www.natural-environment.com/blog/2008/04/10/17-eco-friendly-fabrics/ . Designers like Mui Mui are using scraps from their cutting room and using them for handbags or for garments. http://relivingmagazine.com/2009/fashion-designers-going-green. In the time period we are now, having struggles with global warming and having problems with the atmosphere other "design" jobs are also being eco friendly. Some well known car brands are making cars that are either made with recycled material or that use low amount of gas per mile, or even run on water. http://www.greenlivingonline.com/article/guide-natural-and-eco-friendly-fabrics. Designers like Leanne Marshall winner of Project Runway Season five did an all eco friendly fabric collection as her last challenge. Also, throughout the show she mentioned how it was really important to her to use eco friendly fabrics becuase it was more gental to the enviroment. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jezebel/2010/01/leanimal11410.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jezebel.com/5448206/eco%2Bfriendly-fabrics-thrift-store-skirts--a-gold-hot-sauce-locket-inside-the-closet-of-project-runways-leanne&usg=__1rGtMyOQ4iTc2Tq5N0bpckXkO4E=&h=331&w=340&sz=96&hl=en&start=18&sig2=nL0GjbVBIIW227pz7H3v6Q&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=-mHPV16-DAtmgM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=119&prev=/images%3Fq%3Deco%2Bfriendly%2Bfabrics%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=Tmi0TNe9FIS0lQeKqqXYCQ

. Some designers like Leanne are inspired by the enviroment. For Leanne Marshalls collection on Project Runway Season five she stated that she was inspired by the waves and by the ocean. Another Porject Runway Season five contestant Korto was inspired by the garden she has where she lives and by the colors of the enviroment around her.
There is a new way of making purses or what some teenagers like to call school bags. Some people use old T-shirts that they don't wear anymore and rip the sleeves off and sew open areas together and make and hand bag out of that. Instead of buying hand bags that other people might have, you can just use what is in your closet and make a bag that nobody is going to have, and you will have a unique bag.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Blog # 2 How Can You Be Fashionable on a Limited Budget
People think that fashion has a high cost. But people can look Fashionable on a limited budget as well. Some people think that the more the item costs the more reliable the object is. There are some places in the internet that have items worth your money. Some websites like http://www.ebay.com/ have items that is worth spending your money and the objects that you buy are reliable. http://www.amazon.com/ also has a variety of items and objects that are moneys worth. Some people do cruise these websites to find new release items that are too expensive in stores and cheaper online. Some people like to shop for sale items. Most of the times sale items are items that are out of style and basically dated. so most of the time sale items is not the way to go.
. Some retail stores like Wal * Mart or Kmart have clothing that may not be brand names like Gucci or Prada but they have affordable basic clothing that most of the time is trendy.
http://www.kmart.com/?i_cntr=1286535648081 http://www.walmart.com/ Some famous like Selena Gomez from Disney Channel's Wizards of Waverly Place and Jaqueline Smith from the original Charlie's Angels sell there fashion line at Kmart. Other famous people like Miley Cyrus who plays Hannah Montana on the hit show Hannah Montana on Disney Channel as well sell their fashion line at Wal*Mart. Some stores like P.C.X sell fashionable clothing that is also not named brand but that a lot of people like to buy. Their clothing is affordable and fashionable.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Blog # 1 Music affecting Fashion
Lady Gaga is a musician that affects fashion in a great deal. Lady Gaga being a fashion risk taker inspires designer to be more avante guard in their designs. In the latest MTV's Video Music Awards, Lady Gaga graced the white carpet with an Alexander McQueen dress. During the actual award show Lady Gaga changed her dress two more times. Her first change of dress was into a heavy black princess style dress. On her way of receiving her award she had around three guys helping get out of her seat and walk up to the stage. For her third outfit Lady Gaga decided to make a statement and wear a meat dress. She stated in a publication that the reason she wore the meat dress was to show people that if we don’t stand up for what we believe in then the rights that we will have will be as much as the meat on our bones. Accepting her award she asked superstar Cher to hold her meat purse. Maybe this meat dress had a lot of controversy. But what is controversy without Lady Gaga? 
Lady gaga also through her performances wears a lot of show stopping pieces. Lady gaga was seen wearing a dress inspired by bubbles.
Some people say that Lady Gaga creates outfits out of things that nobody would think could become and outfit. Lady Gaga likes to make a statement every time you see her. She loves to wear show stopping pieces. Some other artist like Madonna feel like Lady Gaga is just a copy cater. As Madonna stated in a publication
http://www.showbizspy.com/article/206290/madonna-thinks-lady-gaga-is-a-copy-cat.html .Lady Gaga was probably very inspired by the Madonna era that she felt that she could reach a lot of success revisiting that era.
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