The holidays are in and people like to get in the holiday spirit. But sometimes people get really into the holiday spirit and totally kill the whole outfit. Now that Christmas is in and everybody is wearing their holiday dresses, sweaters, jackets, and vest people want to stand out. Some start to wear every holiday clothing item they have in their closet and that is over kill. When going to a small party it would be nice to wear a simple little black dress

with a cute red holiday Christmas sweater button

down over it to keep you warm and to hide the wowness of the dress. When going to the mall or supermarket with the family it is nice to be in the spirit. But instead of wearing a dress wear jeans with a white turtle neck and a red christmas vest

Attending a big industry party is no place for a red christmas vest or jeans. Instead just wear a simple neutral colored dress that you can accerssorize with colors like red or green. For example wearing just a simple dress in black or grey gives you the oppertunity to wear a necklace that is red or earings that are red you can even go bold and wear the color green instead if you are a person to wants to stand out in crowd. Christmas spirit is always nice to wear but when it gets to cold outside who is going to see the outfit under the big coat you have to wear. Instead of wearing a simple coat to keep you warm you can still stay in holiday spirit by wearing a pea coat that is either red or green. The coat that you wear doesnt nessecarly have to match the outfit you are wearing its just simply another layer that helps you stay warm. Also if you prefer to wear a black coat instead you have gloves or a scarf that has snowmen or santa clause, or you can just have the christmas colors. Sometimes we don't care to wear holiday motif's because its hard to stay in style. But now since knit wear is in, some stored have the knit coats that have snowflakes on them to stay in style but to help show your holiday spirit. Also having knit hat with holiday decoratives helps.

Sometimes people can't afford all these winter accessories or holiday motif because Macy's or JC Penny's is to expensive but department stores also sell holiday motif's. Stores like Wal Mart and Kmart sell clothing for the holiday. They are affordable and instyle. Sometimes what celebrities over pay for can be found in those department stores for a lower price. Maybe not in the best quality but good enough for your life style. Keeping warm is a big part of the holidays. And even though people wear ugg boots almost any season ugg boots is a way of staying in style, warm, and keeping up with holiday spirit. But not any ordinary ugg boots, Now knit ugg boots are in style

Buying them in colors like white and grey with a specific design make them look like they are in holiday motif.