Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog#7 How to get a new look without spending any money

Looks change all the time, for seasons, or fashion seasons. You don't want to get caught wearing last years style. So how can you get a new look without spending any money? Donations, make flyers and begin to hand them out to the neighborhood crowd. In this flyer it should say what type of clothing you want them to bring. Since you want a new look why not gather clothing for the each season. So tell people to bring clothes the pertains to summer, spring, fall, and winter. Try to keep this gathering as organized as possible, having times and adresses is important. Also be sure to tell people that it has to be clothing that looks new. Nothing that is stained, washed out, ripped, of is over used should be allowed. The clothes doesn't nessecarly have to be named brand. 

Gather a big group of close friends and have a fashion party. Bring clothes that you havent worn in a long time that are "in" style, or bring clothing that is different than what you usually wear. Try to bring clothes that pertains to all the seasons of the year. During this party exchange clothes that you want to get rid of for clothes that you are interested in. This is a simple and profitable way of getting a new look. You also don't have to completely change an outfit. Keeping a certain jean and pairing it with a different top that you recieved at this party with some accessories that you also recieved at this party can make you have a totally new look!

This other option may be less probable for people now a days, but also going door to door, and asking people if they have any non-mistreated clothes that they would like to get rid of in a donation. Some people may not be as willing to give up some of there clothing or the clothing that their giving is really what your looking for. With the clothes that they give you, you can also enhance it. How so? you can buy things at craft stores that you can add on to pieces of clothing and make them unique. For example, if you recieve a hat you can add feathers to it and it will be a hat that nobody else has and its a new look.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog #6 How can changing your wardrobe when the season change- a good thing for "your personal climate."

Global Climate affects our attitude each day. But what people don't know is that what you wear also affects your attitude. How so? Well, during winter you have to wear multiple layers of clothing. Coats, jackets, sweaters, boots, long johns, and jeans. Personally having to put all that on in the morning can be a really big drag and puts me in a bad mood.

Wearing multiple layers of clothing not only is time consuming when your getting ready but it also is time consuming when you arrive to your destination. Trying to get comfortable for the day you have to take off most of those layers that you have on, and once your ready to head out you have to put them all back on. But since the beginning of your day can be so exhausting it can affect your motivation to do the work your suppose to. It can make you tired, cranky, and rude. You could find things that normal wouldn't bother you more irritating. Not only do the layers affect the way you act but also the colors. During winter season you mostly wear dark tone clothing. Like blacks, grays, and beige. Because the colors your wearing are somber they way you act and portray yourself will most likely be sad and somber.

In spring, that the weather is nicer, layers can start coming off. You can start wearing shorts, and short sleeve shirts on good days. On days where it is still a little chilly you could wear jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. This is still less layers then during the winter.
Feeling more comfortable in the morning and thinking that you don't have to wear so much layers can put you in a good mood. I know it puts me in a good mood. Having your day start out in a positive way can increase your motivation. You won't be as tired or as drowsy. When people have a positive attitude or are in a good mood, other people can tell from the way you look on the outside. Also wearing brighter colors could help your attitude as it can liven up your day.